Face your pain

“We can’t make a truly beneficial contribution to the outside world while our very perception of it is coloured by the pollution in our inner world. Change starts within. It wasn’t until I had owned and cleaned up all the toxicity in the lake of my individual consciousness that I was in a position to co-creatively contribute to transformation of the ocean of collective consciousness into which it flows. It is only now, having largely completed this process of conscious transmutation of pain that I am free to live, love and create.”

~ David Mills (Silent Life Coach)

On life outside the box

Right now I feel like the happiest guy in the universe. I am living the dream; creating a life where I get to do what I love, with people I love, every day.

I am proud of myself for refusing to bow down to societal pressure to “get a job”, to “get on the property ladder”, to “get a mortgage”, to “settle down”, to “get married”, to “have kids” and to “save for retirement”. I am proud of myself for dealing so well with the disapproval and judgement of others (one acquaintance even took it upon himself to inform me that my economic value to society was zero!).

I am proud of my decision to continue living at home with my parents so that I could do the necessary inner work on myself; I could not have experienced a more challenging and simultaneously fulfilling path to emotional mastery and personal freedom, or a better grounding in multi-generational community living. And I could not have offered a more valuable gift to humanity, for I am no longer contaminating the collective consciousness with my internal pollution.

I am proud that I chose to turn my back on societal expectation and to forge my own unique path through the world, demonstrating a new way of living and being in the process. I have taken more risks and experienced more of the world in the past 8 years than most people experience in a lifetime. I have set up a freelance maths and confidence coaching business. I have worked with wild horses in the Canadian Rockies, staying in a tent surrounded by wild bears. I have trained in NLP, energy healing and hypno-psychotherapy. I have volunteered at a revolutionary school in the United States. I have recorded an album in Chicago with one of the world’s greatest jazz pianists. I have trained in musical theatre and secured representation with a top West End agent. I have played my dream role of Tony in West Side Story, backed by a 27-piece orchestra. I have created and starred in a short film with a group of young people. I have founded a forest school for kids in the English countryside.

The “work all hours to pay the bills” formula for life equates to a life of slavery, fear and misery. I’ve discovered that I live in a rich and friendly universe that reflects back my internal sense of worth and abundance, generously rewarding my heart-sponsored service. I will never need a job. I will never have to worry about money. Everything I could ever need is already inside of me.

Yes, it took some courage to unplug from The Matrix 8 years ago (that particular film is a powerful awakening tool for those who are ready, by the way) and to throw myself into the unknown. I felt desperately lonely and misunderstood for several years. But I am completely free now. I can do anything and go anywhere in the world. I have evolved into the fearless and powerful man I always dreamed I could become.

The Beatles were right: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. And I’ve discovered that love is who I am.

If you are ready to break out of the Box of Fear and to join me in the Garden of Trust, I am here to serve and support you.
